The night before your test, naturally. Now is the time to kick back and take it easy, get plenty of shut-eye, and enter the exam room feeling confident in your capacity to do well. The Most Important Things to Remember the Night Before the Test Stay Safe One of the first bits of advice is to run the marathon in shoes that have been broken in. The same "nothing new" logic applies to the food served, the gear worn, and the rituals performed during athletic events. Unless you've tried it before, now is not the time to experiment with a new method of memorization, medicine, or work routine. Some students study more than others, but they still don't have enough time on tests because they break the rules and make common mistakes. If these students want to get the best grades on exams, they can pay someone to take my exam for them. Preparation is the Key It's said that starting is the toughest part. You should spend days leading up to the test and the night before study...
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