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Showing posts from April, 2023

How to Curb Cheating During Online Exams

Strategies for Reducing Cheating One way to reduce cheating during online exams is by using randomized questions and answer options. This means that every student will get a different set of questions and answers, so students won't be able to compare answers or share notes. Additionally, ensuring that all questions are unique makes it much more difficult for someone else to take the exam in place of the actual student. Another Effective Strategy is Proctoring Software This software monitors students while they take their exams and flags any suspicious activity, such as switching windows or speaking aloud. It also records audio and video, which an instructor can monitor once the student has finished their exam. Proctoring software can help identify if a student has received assistance from an outside source or has been looking up answers on another device during the exam. In the era of digital learning, online exams are becoming increasingly popular as they provide a convenient and ...

How Can I Prepare to Take My Online Exam Without Making Mistakes?

Many learners worry and feel anxious about tests that are hard to pass. Traditional school tests don't cover as much as competitive tests. Most of the exams are stepping stones to jobs that students want, so students feel pressured to do them successfully. Also, it's important to know that hard work is never enough. Exam worry makes students make more mistakes than usual, which leads to bad results. Most of the time, these mistakes can be avoided if you know about them. Students can also reach their goals by learning how to handle their time, solve problems, have self-confidence, and so on. In this post, we'll look at a few common mistakes students should avoid when studying for tests. Not Enough Clarity About the Ideas You might be able to finish the curriculum faster and get some extra points on school tests if you memorize chunks of information from your textbook, but this won't help you on competitive tests. Students are less likely to understand a subject when they...